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At AUW, students gain relevant, interdisciplinary knowledge across multiple fields. They are empowered to think critically, communicate effectively, and work intelligently to address global issues with innovative and bold solutions.

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Learn how AUW is responding to the COVID-19 threat in Bangladesh. Access the latest information for staff and students.

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AUW students represent almost 20 countries across Asia and the Middle East. Diverse in background, AUW students are united in their passions to innovate the economic, social, and political landscapes of their communities.

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AUW is the first of its kind– a fully independent, regional institution dedicated to women’s education and leadership development.

AUW exists to educate and empower women leaders through the transformative power of liberal arts and sciences education.

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AUW is a vibrant and diverse residential learning community where incredible women from many cultural and religious backgrounds grow both intellectually and personally and become impactful, innovative, and service-oriented leaders. AUW recruits students from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Syria, Vietnam, and Yemen.

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“At a time when there is still so much strife in the world on the basis of our inherited identities, AUW shows that yet another world is possible where young women from different upbringings can come together – first in solidarity with each other, and second in supporting a wider vision of changing their communities together.”

Chancellor, Asian University for Women

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June 1, 2023

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On Saturday, May 30th, AUW Japan Support Group was pleased to host On the Couch with Guneet Monga, an Academy Award Winning Movie Producer. Ms Monga, a woman who embodies resiliency in a challenging world, joined AUW alumna Jyothi Nair (AUW Class of 2013) in this virtual event to share stories, entertain, and inspire. Guneet […]

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More Upcoming Events


  • On the Couch with Guneet Monga: A Virtual Event Hosted by AUW Japan Support Group

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  • AUW Strong Webinar: Trapped by Globalization? Fates and Fortunes in Bangladesh’s Garments Industry in the Wake of COVID-19

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  • Register for AUW Strong Webinar on May 12 at 9am ET with Mrs. Cherie Blair and AUW Students/Alumnae

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  • Register for AUW Strong Webinar on May 13 at 12pm ET with Dr. Maryam Qudrat and AUW Alumnae from Afghanistan

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  • AUW Condoles the Passing of Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury

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